to Mar 15

Two-Day+ Intensive on the Five Skandhas

Dharma Friends, 

You are invited to join Appamada Entrusted Teachers Joel Barna and Kim Mosley, for a “Two-Day+” Intensive.

Schedule: (All times are Central Daylight Time)

March 13: 7-9pm, March 14: 6:30-7:45am, 7-9pm. March 15: 8am-5pm (with breaks for lunch and work practice) 

Deadline for registration: Monday, March 10. 

The theme of this brief intensive will be, “The Five Skandhas.” During the intensive, we will explore Buddhist teachings on form, sensation, perception, mental formations, and consciousness (the skandhas). Through meditation, dharma talks, activities, and group discussions, we will examine the nature of perception and cognition and how they contribute to the persistent illusion of the separate self. It's good for us to remind ourselves periodically about what the Buddha taught: We shouldn't quite believe our eyes and ears and other sensations (and particularly our thoughts) as thoroughly as we usually do.

(This connects with “Embodiment in Zen," the theme for the Spring 2025 practice period, which begins on Sunday, March 16. We will have the opening ceremony for a new head student on March 16, in place of that day's dharma talk.)

All sessions will be hybrid — in person at the Appamada zendo and online via Zoom. A zoom link will be shared in the Appamada calendar. 

As with all intensives, we ask you to participate wholeheartedly—by being present, coming from your heart, and showing curiosity and care—and that you follow the schedule completely. For each session and after each break, please find your seat at least five minutes before the session starts. 

If you will be attending in the zendo, please bring a sack lunch on Saturday.

March intensive costs include daily operating costs for Appamada. Based on expected attendance, both onsite and online, we estimate the cost per person at $50. Please consider this information as you determine what you can contribute in support of the intensive. Appamada depends on the generosity of its members, and all are welcome.

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to Feb 22

February Integrated Intensive: Six Perfect Practices to Cultivate Joy

You are invited to join Appamada's Senior Teacher, Peg Syverson, for the 2025 February Integrated Intensive February 16-22.  Six Perfect Practices to Cultivate Joy is the theme. 

Deadline for registration is Monday, February 10.

The daily schedule will be: (All times are CST)

Sunday, February 16: 7-9pm

Monday-Friday, February 17-21: 6:30-8:30am and 7-9pm

Saturday, February 22: 6:30am-5pm

As with all intensives, we ask you to participate wholeheartedly—by being present, coming from your heart, and showing curiosity and care—and that you follow the schedule completely. For each session and after each break, please find your seat at least 5 minutes before the session starts.

All sessions will be hybrid — in person at the Appamada zendo and online via Zoom.  A zoom link will be shared in the Appamada calendar.

We expect that you will attend the entire intensive. If for some reason you are unable to do so, please contact Peg Syverson (

All are welcome at Appamada. We depend upon the generosity of participants. Please contribute what you can to cover the cost, which is approximately $250 per participant for this intensive. Thank you!

Please see the link below for the registration forms. Currently there is only room for online participation.

Everything you do can strengthen your practice, and everything you do to strengthen your practice benefits our community and all beings. We hope you will join us for this intensive.

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2:00 PM14:00

Jukai Ceremony (hybrid)

Meeting ID: 83387135210

The Jukai Ceremony (Receiving the Precepts) is a traditional Buddhist ritual in which a student formally undertakes the Bodhisattva Precepts and publicly affirms their commitment to the Buddhist path. It symbolizes entering the community of Buddhist practitioners and embracing a life of ethical practice and compassion. During the ceremony, participants receive a rakusu (a symbolic garment) and a Dharma name that reflects their spiritual journey. Jukai emphasizes the aspiration to live with mindfulness, kindness, and integrity, while vowing to benefit all beings.

After the ceremony there will be a reception in the study (around 3pm). We’ll be online there as well. Please join us!!!

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to Jan 18

2025 January Online Right Use of Power Workshop

Appamada Board and Council members are invited to join Appamada Board and Council member, Nelly Myoju, for an online workshop on the Right Use of Power.

Schedule: Workshop one: Saturday, January 11, 2025, 10am–3pm (CST).

Workshop two: Saturday, January 18, 2025, 10am–3pm (CST)

For both dates there will be a 30-minute lunch break from 12:30-1pm and short stretch breaks.

Deadline for registration: Monday, January 6.
Register here:

The Right Use of Power approach is a dynamic, inspiring and relational approach to the ethical use of power to promote well-being and the common good. It is the embodied practice of right relationship - together, sharing a language and framework for understanding and navigating power with strength and heart.

Through this foundational training, council and board members will have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of the Right Use of Power approach, increasing skillfulness, engagement and awareness in uses of power in their life in general, and in their spiritual leadership roles at Appamada.

The course will be presented through engaging presentations, facilitated discussions and experiential practices. There will also be a short period of zazen and a Right Use of Power service.

This workshop is offered through the generosity model: All are invited to give generously to support Appamada. Please also consider a dana offering to Nelly directly (PayPal: @NellyMarcadet).

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to Dec 7

Rohatsu Integrated Intensive

Practice Period ends with Head Student Exiting Ceremony.

Register here:

December 1-7, 2024 Rohatsu Intensive

We have a limited number of places at the Appamada zendo. Please indicate on the response portion of the form whether you are applying for onsite, online or some combination. (Please be sure to specify which times you would like to participate onsite.)

Teachers: Laurie Winnette and Kim Mosley

The theme of this intensive is Rohatsu: Barriers and Pathways For Enlightening Activity.

Enlightening activity sometimes happens spontaneously. However, we can also prepare ourselves by engaging in certain activities and developing specific attitudes that encourage arising. Some examples of these pathways include the Four Noble Truths, the Six Perfections and the Refuges.

Conversely we can create barriers to enlightened activity, such as the Four Obstacles, the Five Desires, the Five Hindrances and the Near and Far Enemies.

Please join us for Buddha’s Rohatsu Integrated Intensive, where we will explore these barriers and pathways together.

As always, each day will include a dharma talk, kinhin, practice discussion, and group dharma activity. The schedule will be as follows:

Sunday, December 1: 6-9pm
Mon-Fri, December 2-6: 6:30am-8am and 6-9pm
Saturday, December 7: 6:30am-5pm

  • Please bring a sack lunch on Saturday. As usual, a table with snack food and refreshments will be available in the side room.

    As with all intensives, we ask you to participate wholeheartedly—by being present, coming from your heart and showing curiosity and care—and that you follow the schedule completely. For each session and after each break, please find your seat at least 5 minutes before the session starts.

    We expect that you will attend the entire intensive. If for some reason you are unable to do so, please contact Laurie (512-576-0604).

    If you can participate by taking on a role in support of this special intensive, please indicate your willingness to do so in the comments section on this registration form.

    All sessions will be hybrid - in person at the Appamada zendo and online via zoom. A zoom link will be shared in the Appamada calendar.

    This intensive is offered through the generosity model. All are welcome at Appamada and this intensive is without a set fee. However we do rely on the generosity of the community to sustain the day to day operations of our sangha. Appamada thrives because of your generosity. Please contribute what you can.

    Entrusted teachers are not paid for the hours they spend studying, researching and teaching the dharma for an intensive. Please consider a generous dana offering to the teachers in gratitude for the time and effort they have given.tion text goes here

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2:30 PM14:30

Entrustment Ceremony for Kim Mosley


Cherrywood Center (formerly Cherrywood Methodist Church)
1605 E 38 1/2 St
Austin, TX 78722
(corner of E 38 1/2 St and Cherrywood Rd)

Meeting ID: 83387135210

Starting time

2:30 p.m. (Please plan to arrive and be seated at least 15 minutes early)


Peg Syverson, Appamada Senior Teacher


A reception with cake, coffee, and tea will follow the ceremony

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to Nov 1

Sitting with Kim Mosley

Dear Sangha—

In preparation for Kim Mosley’s Entrustment Ceremony on November 3rd, he will be sitting at Appamada from Monday to Friday, October 28th to November 1st. From 1-3pm CDT each day, the Zendo will be open for you to join him and sit zazen together. You are warmly invited to come and leave any time during that period. Kim will certainly appreciate your company and support as he prepares for this profound moment of Entrustment as a Dharma Teacher on November 3. 

If you wish to connect via Zoom, the link will be available on the calendar. Alternatively, you are welcome to join in person.

With appreciation for your support and care,


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to Nov 2

Integrated Intensive


Theme: Trust in Mind (sources: Hsin Hsin Ming and Musong’s writings).

Oct. 27 Sunday evening only: 7:00pm-9:00 pm

Oct. 28-Nov 1 (Monday through Friday): 

- Morning: 6:30am-7:00am; 7:00am-7:05am break; and 7:05am -7:45am

- Mid-Day: (Participants are on their own to follow their normal daily schedule of work, school, etc.)

- Evening: 7:00pm-9:00pm

Nov. 2 Saturday: 6:30 am-5:00 pm

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to Dec 15

Fall practice period

Fall Practice Period ends with Head Student Exit ceremony at 10am CDT on December 15, 2024. You can register to take part in the Fall Appamada practice period at:

  • Sangha,

    During the Buddha’s time, disciples gathered during the rainy season, which lasted about three months, to hear the Buddha’s most profound teachings and to practice deeply together. This model of shared practice and deep inquiry for a concentrated period has been conveyed generation after generation by Buddhist practitioners down to our time.  In the Zen tradition an Ango, or Practice Period has been a special time in the life of a monastery in which the monks intensified their ordinary schedule with a very focused 100-day commitment to deepening their practice and training. Appointed during this time is a Shuso, or Head Student Rosemarie Gates, who serves as a spiritual friend to the other monks and assists the Head Teacher in his or her duties. The Ango has a formal beginning at which time the monastery is closed to outsiders and ends with a ceremony in which the Shuso engages in a formal offering of his or her teachings to the assembly.

    Today, in non-residential practice centers such as Appamada, a Practice Period offers  an excellent opportunity for beginning and more experienced Zen practitioners to join together in an intense period of warm-hearted practice, including zazen, dharma talks, classes, work, and close contact with the teachers as well as the Head Student. A Practice Period can offer guidance and encouragement to each participant in developing and deepening his or her regular sitting practice and encourages a daily routine that integrates mindfulness into daily life. 

    Appamada's 2024 Fall practice period will start with an intensive led by Robin Bradford and Sandra Medina Bocangel, which will begin the evening of Sept. 5, includes sitting on Friday Sept. 6 and Saturday, Sept. 7th. On the morning of Sunday, Sept. 8th will be a special Head Student Entry ceremony starting at 10 a.m.. (You don't need to participate in the intensive to join in the Head Student Entry Ceremony—all are welcome and encouraged to attend.)

    It is here that you can define how you might further your practice, including linking up with a practice buddy to encourage one another’s practice.

    The Sept. 5 – 7 intensive will introduce the focus for the entire practice period, drawing on the Hsin Hsin Ming, one of the most important poems for Mahayana practitioners.

    The practice period will end with a Rohatsu intensive Dec. 2 – 8. The weekend of the intensive will culminate with a Head Student Exit ceremony -- one of the most moving in the Zen tradition. More details on this event, as well as registration information, will be shared. 

    In between, Peg Syverson will lead the Oct. 27 – Nov. 2 Appamada Integrated Intensive. More about the intensive will be available soon.

    We hope you are well and will join us in this shared practice together!


    Todd, Laurie and JoelDescription text goes here

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to Sep 7

September Intensive

The September Intensive will introduce the Fall 2024 Practice Period theme with a study of the Hsin Hsin Ming (Trust in Mind), a 7th century Chinese poem and key text in Zen study, led by Robin Bradford and Sandra Medina Bocangel. 

  • Schedule (all times are CDT):
    Thursday, 7-9 pm
    Friday, 8 am-5 pm
    Saturday, 8 am-5 pm

    (Those attending in person will bring sack lunch for Friday and Saturday. For those attending in Europe, we intend to record the Friday night program and will invite you to watch it before you join us Saturday.)

    Register now. 

    The Intensive will be followed by the Head Student Entry Ceremony (open to all) on Sunday, September 8th. Senior Teacher Peg Syverson will lead an Integrated Intensive October 27-November 2 that will offer deepening study of the verse including Mu Soeng's exploration of the poem in his book Trust in Mind: The Rebellion of Chinese Zen.

    Learn about meditation intensives.

    About the intensive leaders:
    Robin Bradford has practiced at Appamada since 2008 and was Head Student in 2018. She is a graduate of the Buddhist Chaplaincy Program at Upaya Zen Center and studied grief tending with Francis Weller. Since retiring from her nonprofit career earlier this year, she has dedicated herself to meeting with people who have experienced loss and to creative practices (especially quilting!).

    Sandra Medina Bocangel was Head Student earlier this year and has practiced at Appamada since 2012. Originally from Peru, Sandra worked as an MD in Mexico City before coming to the U.S. where she studied to become a Board Certified practitioner of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. She sees patients in person in San Antonio and also online and is bilingual.

    The registration deadline is September 2nd. 


    Robin Bradford and Sandra Medina Bocangel

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to Jun 22

June Integrated Intensive (Practice Period Closing)

Laurie Winnette will offer a 7-day integrated practice intensive offered both in-person and online.

Register here:

Starts Sunday evening, June 16th from 6:45pm-9 pm. Then we will meet each morning from 6:30am-7:30 am and again each evening from 7pm-9pm. The middle of each day will be your normal personal work/school/life schedule. We will wrap up with an all day sitting on Saturday June 22rd from 8am to 5pm and close at 5pm.


Sunday, June 16th: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Monday, June 17th: 6:30 to 7:45 AM and 7:00 to 9:00 PM
Tuesday, June 18th: 6:30 to 7:45 AM and 7:00 to 9:00 PM
Wednesday, June 19th: 6:30 to 7:45 AM and 7:00 to 9:00 PM
Thursday, June 20th: 6:30 to 7:45 AM and 7:00 to 9:00 PM
Friday, June 21th: 6:30 to 7:45 AM and 7:00 to 9:00 PM
Saturday, June 22nd: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

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to May 18

One Day + Sit

A One Day Sit Plus Intensive will be offered the weekend of Friday and Saturday, May 17-18. The Intensive will begin Friday evening, May 17, at 7pm (please make sure to arrive and be seated by 6:55). We will end at 8:50pm with the Pali refuges. We will begin again on Saturday morning at 8am (please be in your seat by 7:55am) and finish at approximately 5pm.

The theme for this intensive is Metta. We will explore what Metta is, how to practice it, different viewpoints on using Meta and why it's important to our practice.

You may register using this link:

Besides sitting in zazen, we will have walking meditation, writing, group interaction, dharma talks, and participating in a dharma activity. As with all Intensives, we ask you to participate whole-heartedly and that you follow the schedule completely.

Please bring a bag lunch on Saturday as no meals will be provided. There will be a snack table with some fruit, coffee, tea, and water as well as other snacks.

For questions, please contact Laurie Winnette.

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to Apr 6

April Integrated Intensive

Schedule: March 31: 7-9pm, April 1-5: 6:30-7:45am, 7-9pm. April 6: 6:30am-5pm. (CST)

Zoom Link:

A seven-day integrated practice intensive led by Peg Syverson and Flint Sparks. Offered both in-person and online.

To register for online participation:

Onsite registration is closed, but to get on the waiting list please contact: Stephanie Seiler.

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to Jun 22

Spring Practice Period

Appamada Spring 2024 Practice Period

Theme: Open Heart, Boundless Mind.

Teachers: Todd Bankler, Joel Barna, Laurie Winnette, with Flint Sparks and Peg Syverson
Head Students: (to be named)

When: March 15-June 22, 2024

A practice period is an opportunity to explore a deeper connection and commitment to your practice. In our tradition practice periods last 90 days. Historically, this represents the time during the rainy season in India when the roads were impassable and Buddha would gather his disciples for deeper teachings.

A practice period is a time when those who wish to participate make a formal agreement with their teacher about their intentions and practice. During our practice period, there will be an expanded set of offerings.The Head Students will also be offering talks and informal tea with participants by appointment. The Practice Period begins with an entering ceremony and ends with a closing ceremony.

Participants consult with a teacher about what commitments are appropriate for their schedules and their aspirations. This form will serve as a guide and an agreement between teacher and student.

Register for Spring 2024 Practice Period

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to Mar 16

One Day + Sit (Spring Practice Period Opening)

We am pleased to announce the opportunity to sit in the stillness and quiet of meditation during a One-Day Sit Plus scheduled for Friday, March 15th, 7-9 pm and Saturday, March16th from 8 am to 5 pm. This short intensive will open Appamada's Spring 2024 Practice Period (all are welcome to attend this one-day sitting, regardless of participation in the practice period.)

The One-Day Sit Plus is an excellent opportunity for beginning practitioners to get accustomed to sitting zazen for a more extended period of time in preparation for  longer intensives. At the same time, the One-Day Sit Plus is worthwhile for more experienced students who just want to sit in repose for a day to remember who they truly are.

Please join us for this special offering.

Registration Link:

For questions, please contact Joel Barna.

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to Jan 19

Precepts Program 2024

All are welcome to participate with Appamada’s year long monthly investigation into the Buddhist precepts. We often welcome back those who have taken this class before, but please do register again.

  • All are welcome to participate with Appamada’s year long monthly investigation into the Buddhist precepts. We often welcome back those who have taken this class before, but please do register again.

    Dogen Zenji wrote: “To study the Buddha Way is to study the self. To study to self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be actualized by myriad things.”

    Hui Neng, the sixth Zen ancestor, said “It is precisely Buddhist conduct that is the Buddha.”

    Buddhist teachings in the Zen tradition consistently point to what Thich Nhat Hanh has called “interbeing.”

    We don’t really exist as individuals, but as ever-changing embodiments of relationality.

    This means, as author Peter Hershock notes, that the real Buddhist is seen “in terms of conduct—that is, his or her lived relations with others— and not according to any individually possessed marks or states of consciousness.”

    What we do with each other is critical to awakening.

    For this reason, Buddhism rests on a deeply ethical foundation. The Buddha taught the principles of ethical living throughout his 45 years of teaching, to every kind of audience, from farmers to disciples to kings. Although this ethical foundation parallels the ethical teachings of every major world religion in some ways, Buddhism is unique in the way the precepts are presented. Rather than reflecting moral judgments or declarations of “what is good” and “what is bad or evil,” the Buddha taught an active process of inquiry into that which is wholesome or skillful and that which is unwholesome or unskillful in leading to an awakened, ethically balanced life.

    We plan 10 monthly meetings (followed by a completion ceremony).

    Program Description:
    This program follows the Appamada principle of experiential work, grounded in practice, rather than following a classroom or academic model. We incorporate into each meeting some time for sitting, some writing, small experiments or exercises, some inquiry work, and discussion. The real heart of this course, however, is utterly simple: it is in the everyday work, lives, and relationships of the participants, the ground of true practice.

    At the end of the year, we offer an ceremony for those who would like to commit themselves to the path of the precepts in their own lives. This step is entirely voluntary. The ceremony is a public acknowledgment of a personal commitment and dedication to the practice path.

    You do not need to be experienced in Zen practice to begin the Appamada precepts program; you may just be curious about the subject. We will ask you to maintain a daily sitting practice (even a very short period of sitting each day) and commit to attending the monthly meetings to the extent that you are able to, throughout the course of the program.

    The Precepts Program is organized and will be led by Entrusted Teacher Joel Barna (primarily from his home in Albuquerque, NM), with help from other teachers and Appamada's Zen Mentors.

    Online Participation:
    These classes will be offered via Zoom. All are welcome. If it is possible to staff in-person gatherings at the Appamada zendo (913 East 38th St., Austin, TX 78705 ) we will offer as many meetings as possible in a hybrid format.

    Diane Rizzetto, Waking Up to What You Do: A Zen Practice for Meeting Every Situation With Intelligence and Compassion.

    In addition we will draw on the following sources:
    Reb Anderson, Being Upright: Zen Meditation and the Bodhisattva Precepts; Cedar Barstow, Right Use of Power: The Heart of Ethics; Robert Aitken, The Mind of Clover; and other material from David Loy's Money Sex War Karma and writings from Thich Nhat Hanh, Gil Fronsdal, Joan Southerland, and others.

    Meeting Dates:  All meetings are 1:30 PM to 3:00PM central time

    March 10: Introduction: What are Precepts in Zen? Practicing with Trauma. Deciding how to track what you learn.

    April 14 :  Practicing with the Precepts; Guided Experiments in Mindfulness; (Hakomi); Speaking Truthfully

    May 12:  Emotion, Thought, and Action; The language of Internal Family Systems; Speaking of others with openness and possibility

    June 16: Meeting others on equal ground; Power relationships and responsibility

    July 7: Cultivating a Clear Mind; Learning record midterm

    August 18: Taking Only What is Freely Given

    September 15:  Engaging in Sexual Intimacy with Respect

    October 6: Letting go of anger;  Right use of power

    November 10:  Supporting Life

    December 15:  Creating and Sustaining the Sangha: Not disparaging the Three Treasures; Reviewing the Experience of Precepts study

    January 19, 2025: Precepts Ceremony

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to Feb 24

Hakomi Personhood Series

Dear Sangha,

We would like to invite you to participate in an online Hakomi Personhood series, which will consist of four workshops each Saturday in February. We will introduce and discuss the principles and practices of the Hakomi Method and how they relate to our Zen practice.  These workshops may be taken individually or as a series, and you may sign up for all of them or just the ones that interest you.

This series is offered as a fundraiser for Appamada and the Hakomi Education Network, and as such, we’re requesting only a nominal fee per course to cover costs. Please consider this as an opportunity to engage in the practice of generosity by making a contribution to either or both organizations.

We look forward to exploring this beautiful method of assisted self-study with you. Please reach out to either of us with any questions or if you would like any additional information!

With gratitude,

Jon-Eric and Jessica Steinbomer

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to Jan 14

Satipatthana Intensive

Registration Link:

Theme of this intensive:
Buddha’s Satipatthana Sutta.

Dates: Thursday, January 11 through Sunday January 14

Location: Hybrid (in person, at Appamada, and via zoom)

Leading: Joel Barna and Kim Mosley (both onsite at Appamada)

Theme: Exploring connections between Zen practice and the Buddha's teachings on mindfulness that are found in the Satipatthana Sutta.

Schedule: (all times CST)
Thursday, January 11: 7 - 9 p.m.
Friday, January 12: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday, January 13: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday, January 14: 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.

(a fuller schedule, including talks and dharma activities, will be provided to those who register)

Meals: Participants should bring a sack lunch on Friday and Saturday. A tea table will be provided. As usual, a table with snack food and refreshments will be available in the side room.

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to Dec 10

Rohatsu Intensive (Hybrid)

Teachers: Laurie Winnette and Ellen Hippard

The theme of this intensive is the Buddha’s Enlightenment. Throughout the retreat we will be celebrating the Buddha’s Enlightenment in a variety of ways. First, we will be committing to deepening our practice simply by sitting in silence for many sessions over the course of four days. This will have an impact on our ability to clarify the mind. Together, we will be creating a sacred space or container where we are able to loosen or drop our attachment to our self-centered views and reconnect with that quiet spaciousness that is the true nature of Heart/Mind. It is here where we connect with the Heart of Great Wisdom (prajnaparamita).

This intensive will provide us a container in which we come together in recognition of all the strife and unease arising in our world today (just as in the Buddha’s time), while at the same time, allowing us let go of what we have no control over (matters of old age, sickness, and death.) Then, we can to turn toward our thoughts and views (which precede our actions) that may be contributing to our suffering and that of others. We will also consider the first step in the Eight-Fold Path of Liberation, Right View, as a means of lessening suffering.These are all things that the Buddha discovered and put into practice and then passed on to his disciples. In these ways, we are replicating the Buddha's path.

As always, each day will include a dharma talk, kinhin, practice discussion, and group dharma activity. The schedule will be as follows:


Thursday, December 7 at 7:00-9:00pm

Friday, December 8 from 6:30am-5:00pm

Saturday, December 9 from 6:30am-5:00pm

Sunday, December 10, from 6:30am-12pm.

The last hour on Sunday will be devoted to Buddha’s Enlightenment Ceremony.

Breakfast may be provided in the Zendo if the number of onsite participants makes it feasible. If not, everyone will need to eat breakfast before they arrive. Also, please bring a sack lunch.

As usual, a table with snack food and refreshments will be available in the side room.

We expect that you will attend the entire intensive. If for some reason you are unable to do so, please contact Laurie.

To register, please follow this link:

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10:00 AM10:00

Jukai Ceremony

October 15, Appamada will hold a formal Bodhisattva Initiation ceremony, known as Jukai in the Japanese tradition. Such ceremonies help connect us, both personally and as a community, to our larger story. It helps us step out of our small story for just a bit and experience our connection to the wisdom and compassion conveyed down through the ages by the Buddha, and to the amazing story of how Buddhism is emerging in the West. 

In formal ceremonies we use ancient language and forms and infuse them with the warmth and care of personal experience. In this way we create a bridge from the timeless teachings of our tradition to our present lives and times. This truly has transformational power, both in celebrating the vows of participants and in heartening the witnesses. Having devoted themselves to the contemplative practice of sewing Buddha’s robe, the participants entered into a deep vow to live their lives faithfully guided by the Buddhist precepts. It is wonderful to see such patient, sincere dedication. Please join us as we celebrate this important step on the spiritual path.

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to Aug 19

One Day + Sit

As the dog days of summer linger on,  I am pleased to announce the opportunity to sit in the stillness and quiet of meditation during a One-Day Sit Plus scheduled for Friday, August 18th, 7-9 pm and Saturday, August 19 from 8 am to 5 pm.

The theme of this short intensive centers on the practice of mindfulness of the breath as instructed by the Buddha in the Anapanasati Sutta. This practice serves to focus the mind through concentration, thereby slowing and calming racing or anxious thoughts.

The One-Day Sit Plus is an excellent opportunity for beginning practitioners to get accustomed to sitting zazen for a more extended period of time in preparation for  longer intensives. At the same time, the One-Day Sit Plus is worthwhile for more experienced students who just want to sit in repose for a day to remember who they truly are.

Please join me for this special offering.

The link for registration may be found here:

For questions, please text/call me, Laurie Winnette.

Thank you,


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to Jul 30

July Practice Intensive

Appamada will offer a four day practice intensive from Thursday, July 27 through Sunday, July 30. Our four days together will consist of a journey into some of Dogen Zenji's writings on zazen and the "dropping away of body and mind."Then, we will see how Dainin Katagiri uses Dogen's teachings to formulate his own thoughts on the "light that shines through Infinity'. We will also consider Buddha's teaching of "Be a Light Unto Yourself". And lastly, upon reflecting on these teachings, we will discuss how these teachings might impact our practice and our sense of individual light and the universal light.

This intensive is offered by Laurie Winnette and will be available both in-person and online. The schedule is 8 am to 5 pm each day from Thursday to Sunday.

To register, please follow this link:

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