Instructor: Rupesh Chhagan

February 18-March 10, 2016

Location: Appamada

" We look at people as self-organizing systems, organized psychologically around core memories, beliefs, and images. This core material is at the very heart of what we have made of our lives. It creates and maintains our images of self and of our culturally acquired world. It directs our perceptions and our actions...Our feelings, actions and perceptions are continuously influenced by core material around major themes: safety and belonging; support, love, and appreciation; freedom and responsibility; openness and honesty; control, power, sexuality, membership, and the social and cultural rules...To study the organization of experience, we establish and use a state of consciousness called mindfulness." (Ron Kurtz)

Hakomi provides a starting point in our relational and inner work. By cultivating loving presence, both for ourselves and others, we can begin to notice and study small indicators that reveal our conditioning. We can learn to do small experiments in mindfulness to explore those indicators and offer some release from habitual patterns. 


Class Recordings